Wednesday, April 24, 2013


As a rainy day project I learned how to create 'multiplicity' images. I won't go into step-by-step detail about  how this is done, except that its with layers and masks in Photoshop CS6, because there is a great tutorial video on PhotoExtremist (here), a very cool blog/website.

Once the images were taken the 'photoshopping' was fast and easy (apparently it is a bit more tricky if there is overlap).

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Victoria, Vancouver Island

Isn't this a great view from the living room? Truly an ocean-view! Looking across the Straight of Juan de Fuca as sunset paints Fisgrad lighthouse with warm colors. Race rocks in the middle ground. Port Angeles, WA and some snow couloirs on the Olympic peninsula in the back. I tried to catch the warm evening sun on the lighthouse and on the cumulus clouds on the other side of the Straight. Used Lightroom to the get the white balance just right (at least the way I like it).

Canon T2i, 300 mm, f10, 1/320s, ISO200


Another blog? My other blog with out-door reports is over here. But yes its time to get on with this new project and sort, select and edit some of the many photos I keep taking and filling my hard drive with! The plan is to post a selection of images from my ‘shooting’ session with notes on place, occasion, objectives and technical comments. I will also post on other art-related projects, ramblings and thoughts as I see fit... here we go!